Monday 5 October 2015

Preliminary task - Editing evaluation pt. 2

Preliminary task - Editing evaluation pt. 2

The editing stage of our preliminary task turned out to be one of the most complex of the three stages of the task (planning and filming being the other two). Although we managed a successful product in regards to successfully fitting the criteria set out by the exam board, there are certain areas that I feel ought to be highlighted for being strengths and weaknesses.

The first point to cover is in regards to a few minor continuity errors. With the task focusing on continuity, this is one of the main weaknesses of the piece. the first error is as I reach the top of the star is and stop to catch my breath, it should have been one continuous shot as opposed to two which shows in the end product and my tie and badge have changed positions which should have been spotted during filming, however, the timing of the cut could have been changed slightly to compensate for the change in shot.
Tie isn't over the shoulder
tie over shoulder
tie again no longer over shoulder
and finally, tie over shoulder again

The next continuity error we had made which isn't too noticeable, is the scene where I hide from Charley in the corridor. the main error is that from the shot where I first hit the wall, I'm still and then when we cut to the medium shot of myself, we see that I'm moving again out of the blue and in a slightly different position. However this can mainly be put down to the speed at which we went about editing our product.

(screenshots coming soon)

One of the key strengths I'd like to add in, would be the use of the non diegetic sound tracks and how they have been implemented to build tension, lower the tempo and to build sheer awkwardness in the sequence. There is a great sense of awkwardness about the sequence near the very end where I say "damn, I'm fresh" and the camera slowly zooms in on my awkward smile with 'superstition' playing on top. The same soundtrack being used to lower the tempo of the running scene to signify relief to have gotten to the library in time to pickup the Mentos.
you can feel the anticipation of a cheesy advertisement line coming.
 "damn, I'm fresh" being our choice.

To summarise, I would say that the editing for this task is well done excluding one or two continuity errors. However these errors being mostly down to a lack of footage as we got carried away with using so many different shots and angles, that we didn't actually get enough footage for every angle to make a choice on the shot that aided the continuity of the sequence. With strengths particularly going to the choice and timing of the non diegetic sound track.

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