Saturday 31 October 2015

Practical Task- Production Company Title Sequence

To create my title sequence, I used the bath tub, some blue bubble bath and an underwater iPhone case. I placed my iPhone into the case and begun recording, placing it under the water and keeping it steady. With my other hand, I squeezed some of the bubble bath out and as it hit the water, it slowed down and coiled a bit, creating a really interesting pattern. I experimented doing it at different distances from the camera and also squeezing out different amounts at different speeds and varying the force I used to squeezed it, this changed the pattern as well.

After I got the footage, I uploaded it to Final Cut Pro and chose my favourite part of the footage. I then cut it down and put 'fade to colour' on both ends of the footage. Then I had to choose a production company name. Having decided that there weren't really any names which would really apply to the visual, I came up with a more generic name of 'Interpix Productions' as I thought it sounded sophisticated, was related to films ('pix') and there is alliteration of the 'p'. About one second in, the typography of 'INTERPIX PRODUCTIONS' appears and I used a 'Typewriter' effect to bring the text on. It's in the centre of the screen, big enough to be the main focus of the sequence but not so big that it's attracting away from the unusual visual behind it. After having watched it through, I decided that the typewriting effect didn't quite match the colours of the footage. Therefore, I put a filter on the footage which gave it a tea-stained tinge and this successfully aged the whole ident. The footage then fades to black and the writing remains on the screen so that it's the last thing the viewers are shown (I took inspiration from Miramax's ident doing this) and then the whole thing fades to black. However, I then realised that it was 4 seconds too long so had to cut a section out as well as reducing the time that the fades had. Unfortunately this made it seemed more rushed but it had to fit into the 7 seconds maximum time limit. The music I chose to put to it was the beginning few notes of 'Lost Stars' by Kiera Knightley. It's piano which is quite soft and quiet and it again doesn't take the focus off the production companies name.

This is my finished production company sequence:

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