Sunday 1 November 2015

Deconstruction of Blumhouse Production Company

Founded by Jason Blum in 2000, Blumhouse Productions is an American horror production company that produces low-budget horror films, the more famous of which include Paranormal Activity, Ouija, Insidious and The Purge. Blumhouse has worked with other, bigger production companies such as Universal Studios and Lionsgate to produce films such as The Purge and Jessabelle respectively. 

Blumhouse Productions' ident uses typical conventions from horror films and combines them to create an ident appropriate to the genre. The first shot of the ident is of a wooden chair moving in the air in a dark, decrepit room. This is conforms to the genre that the production company specialises in as inanimate objects moving, either on the ground or in the air, can often be found in supernatural horrors. 

The camera then quickly pans to a book spinning in the air with an old mirror and a bookshelf in the background. This mise-en-scene continues to conform to the conventions of horror, with the possessed inanimate objects. 

More conventions are adhered to when the camera pans to a young girl walking slowly with her head down and then turns towards the camera, whilst blood is spattered against the wall. Possessed children are a common convention of supernatural horror, making it evident that the ident is appropriate to the genre. 

The ident uses one continuous shot and pans around the room, but the camera is handheld and shaky. This indicates a sense of urgency, common in the climatic scenes of a horror film where the protagonist is trying to escape the villain. Furthermore, a flickering effect has been used to reflect the damaged and abandoned nature of the setting, whilst supporting a common convention of horror. 

This is Blumhouse Productions' full ident:

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