Monday 16 November 2015

Practical Task - Location Scouting

Practical Task - Location Scouting

For our genre, psychological horror, I wanted to focus on two locations in particular, a house and the woods. I decided that the time of day which I wanted to focus on was dusk, around 16:00. 

The first set of pictures that I shot were around my house and in my garden. I added filters to some of the pictures in order to change the effect they gave off, for example I edited some with a black and white effect.

I experimented with different angles to see how it distorted or changed how the object was portrayed, as using different effects as well as the flash and changing the angle portrays the object in multiple different ways.

I also took some pictures of trees and shrubs around my garden. I used the flash for some as it made the leaves look reflective. I aimed to shoot dark spaces within the bushes or areas which escaped the norm, so the picture below is a natural opening in the bush, which was effective as there is a contrast between the dark shadows and the vibrancy of the leaves.

I took a number of pictures of my garden shed. Again, I did this from different angles to change how the shed was being represented. In the bottom picture of the shed, it looks much larger and could potentially be used for our opening sequence.

I really liked the close up of the lock because not only is it a common convention of psychological horror, but there are cobwebs around the lock which suggests that whatever is behind the doors has been locked up for a long time, which adds a sense of mystery.

This low angle shot is of the attic space in my garage, which is accessible only by ladder. The wooden slats which are the supporting structure for the garage add a shadowed effect to the space and this, side by side the black and white effect of the picture create a mysterious and eerie space.

This shot of an old Robin Reliant shows the rust and damage which the car has sustained, and gives it an abandoned feel. 

I took a few pictures of the candle arrangement that I have in my lounge. I think this shot is very effective because all the candles aren't the same height.

This shot was taken from my fireplace, looking up into the chimney. I then added a filter in order to make the cobwebs stand out against the charcoal edges of the chimney shaft

I also took a few pictures of my porch light, and wanted to exaggerate the cobwebs which were on it. I experimented with different angles and using the flash to get the best shot,  but I prefer the colour of the top picture but the angle and cobwebs of the second.

I also took some photographs in the woods behind my house, as there is a clear track between dense foliage which could look effective in our opening sequence. It was darker than I would have liked, but this didn't reduce the quality of what I was able to photograph.

This is one of my favourite photographs as it is a silhouette of a hooded killer against the backdrop of the grey sky. I think this shot is really effective and would work well with our idea and genre.

The extreme close up of the barbed wire is also one of my favourite shots because the focus is on the spiked wire. Also, using the flash has made the grey more vibrant in contrast to the black background.

Again, for this picture I used the hooded figure in black, as I thought it was a good representation of the psychological horror genre and the idea of a stalker in an isolated area such as the woods.

This shot is also very effective, because of the reflection of the trees in the puddle. This concept could be used in multiple ways such as showing the antagonists approach in the puddle. I also added a black and white effect to this picture which made it more mysterious.

Initially I wasn't sure about this shot, because of the poor focus, but then I decided that it could be effective as although it is blurred, it still clearly shows the hooded figure.

This picture is of a doorway into the field, although there isn't actually a door. I like this concept as it suggests that the audience enter a different realm or place without actually leaving where they are. It is also interesting as the audience are suspicious as to why there is a door way into a field.

This shot is also one of my favourite, not only because it conforms to the common conventions of psychological horror, as they are religious symbols, but also because there are multiple crosses each of which has experienced different ageing and wear, so although they are the same, they all differ in texture and colour.

My final shot is an extreme close up of the lichen which was growing on one of the benches in the field. This shot is effective because the focus is just on one section of the bench, although the rest of it can be seen.

Overall, I think that I got some good pictures for my location scouting, but the places in which I was able to visit weren't very adventurous, but at the same time they conformed to the locations used in the psychological horror genre. 
If I was to complete the location scouting again, I would go to places which weren't as stereotypical, such as a barn.

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