Monday 2 November 2015

Deconstruction of another students Production Company

Deconstruction of another students Production Company 

I researched into other students' indents on YouTube and found an AS example of a film opening with a self-created ident. Firstly, it starts as black and it cuts straight into the image of the dreamcatcher which they potentially designed and created themselves. By doing this, it's immediately clear as to what their production company is called because there is a parallel link between the visuals and the name, 'DreamCatcher Studios'.

The font is quite simple and straightforward but is also sans serif which makes it look soft and gentle, almost dreamy. The contrast of the white dreamcatcher and text against the black background makes the image stand out and the black and white could have different connotations associated with it. It puts across the implication of the dreams being at night time as well as good vs bad being represented with the idea of a dreamcatcher catching and keeping the happy dreams.
Then we see some small circles of light which float across the screen. This again is effective because they're small lights in the dark and they also add to the dreamy effect of the whole ident. The lights come in and out of focus and don't distract from the main logo in the centre.

The lights also create a rainbow refraction which creates a mystical and magical effect, still adding to the 'dream-theme' of this production company.

The group may have used final cut pro to edit this because you can add an effect on after which puts these lights in. If I was to improve it, I think it's a bit too stationary and the only movement is from the moving lights. Therefore, I would have something else moving and whether that means not using an image and instead recording some moving footage and then adding on the text, I think this would have made it more professional if done well and more interesting to the viewers, rather than just having a still image.

When creating my ident, I am going to keep it simple to make it really effective but after having looked at this example, I think I will record some footage and then add on other effects post-production.

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