Monday 9 November 2015

Practical Task - company ident

For my production company ident, I came up with the name "Elementary Productions" and linked the company logo to the typical idea of an Elementary school age child s drawing of a house which in my opinion works well with the ident.

The software I used to create the ident is called Cinema 4D and is a package you can use to create 3D models and either render them as still images, or go as far as to animate them and then render as a moving animation which is what I did.

To create the house which is on a podium, I had to insert cubes into the 3D "world" and then manipulate them to change their shape and size like so.

This is the interface that I had to interact with to reshape the cubes into the company logo I wanted.

After a large amount of changing the shapes of cubes, I eventually got the logo I was going for

The next thing I had to do was to add in the company name "Elementary Productions" which was as simple as adding in word art to a word document and so took next to no time.

Selecting the option to add in 3D text genuinely is easier than choosing word art.

This is my final, rendered company logo.

The Final and hardest stage of the whole production of the ident, was the actual animation. Because all the objects are just mesh and splines (shapes), I have to move them around myself which is no easy task to make it look smooth. Moreover, I had light fades as well as a moving camera to take into account as opposed to just moving some shapes around which all had to be done at the same time otherwise the whole thing would've looked too judder-y to look professional in any way at all.

Setting up the camera so it can film the product in action.

The following is a video of how the "camera" orbits around the logo and then tracks forward along with the light source changing its intensity constantly throughout the piece.


The final thing I added, was the diegetic soundtrack. The sound track is all from a royalty free account on sound cloud and involved the opening and slamming shut of a metal door which is what I used when the word falls down. The use of metal being grated together creates that eerie feel you get as the company ident for a horror film comes up. A fine example would be the twisted pictures ident.

Here is the final ident:

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