Saturday 28 November 2015

Practical- Typography

Practical- Typography

I started off by going onto a website called Typography Maker ( The title we have chosen is 'Senseless' and so I typed it into the website in capital letters.

 I then chose a font that I thought would best suit our plot and story. This font (cinzel decorative) has serif lettering which is commonly used in psychological horrors or old films to represent an almost calligraphic way of writing. I particular liked the over-the-top flicks and extensions on the letters such as 'N' and 'L' and thought that this would allow me some leeway to add in extra motifs or images. I also changed the colour using the gradient slider to a slate grey because I thought that it would seem a bit more mysterious and in a way more bleak and dreary than just a solid black.
I then screenshot the image and inserted it into Adobe Photoshop.
Next I decided to stretch the text so it took up slightly less space horizontally i.e. it was shorter, and made the letters taller. I felt that this made the writing look more daunting and powerful because it was tall and overpowering.

Then I used the paint bucket tool to turn the background a lighter shade of grey so the writing sort of looked like it was an object amongst mist because it almost blended in with the grey background.
Then I found an image of a cartoon man who had been hanged. I used the 'magnetic lasso' tool to go round the edge of the figure and then I was able to delete the rest of the image so I was just left with the man and the rope.
Then I decided that the white figure didn't look quite right because it almost seemed too happy and it didn't fit in with the whole colour scheme, so again I used the paint bucket tool to turn him black so it looked like a silhouette and this worked much better and stood out because it was the only black item amongst all the grey.
I then decreased the size of the man and placed him between the first 'E' and the 'N', using the long flick on the 'N' to essentially attach the rope to so it looked as if he was being hanged from the letter. He also fit nicely between the letters.
Overall I was really pleased with the outcome of the typography. I particularly liked the addition of the added hung man because it foreshadows what's to come in the rest of the film and it's appropriate because we will be using black hung body bags in our opening scene. The only possible issue may be that the font could be said to look quite feminine, however I still think that this is a strong candidate for potential use in our opening scene.

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