Wednesday 18 November 2015

Practical Task - Fake Wounds

I looked at targeting three facial features when attempting to create fake wounds. Firstly, I tried creating the effect of a damaged or cut off ear. In preparation I pinned back the hair on the side of the ear I was going to do the effects on. Once my hair was pinned back, I used scar wax to pin back my ear. I I put the scar wax on my ear and then smoothed it over to create a smooth surface.  

Once the ear was completely smoothed over, I added concealer to the wax so it blended with my skin. I would have ideally used foundation, however I could not find any at the time. As a result, the colour of the wax didn't exactly match my skin. 

After this, I added the fake blood to the ear, thinking this would be enough to complete the effect. However, as can be seen, just adding the fake blood didn't add much depth to the wound, and so I built on it with more wax.

I also added some liquid latex layered with one ply of tissue to create a more flesh-like texture to the wound. 

I continued to build on the wound, adding layers of liquid latex and tissue, whilst smoothing over the wax as I added more material. I then ripped some of the dried latex to create a torn look within the wound. 

This then created a hole in the ear that added depth to the wound and made it look more realistic. I added some black eye-shadow to the hole to make the wound seem deeper and more serious. 

I then added more fake blood to complete the wound. 

I was relatively happy with the final result, as this was the first time I had used most of the materials. However if I were to do it again, I would smooth the wax more over the to make it blend in more with my skin. I would also use a foundation in the right colour to make it look more realistic. I would also do it on a separate model when repeating this effect, as it was hard to see the back of my ear to make sure the wax was smoothed over and check it looked good.

The second effect I attempted was the cut mouth. To do this, I first extended my lips with a red lipstick by drawing a line from the corners of my lips to the lower centre of my cheeks. 

I then added a layer of liquid latex over the red lipstick line, extending the lips further. On top of this I added a layer of one ply tissue. 

I then repeated this to make a thicker layer of latex.

I then put liquid latex on my lips and added a single piece of one ply tissue, being careful not to stick my lips together with the liquid latex. 

I then added some translucent powder to set the latex and then added foundation to blend in with my skin. Unfortunately, the foundation I used did not match my skin tone, so it did not blend as well as I had hoped. 

I then added some red lip stick to my lips to give them some colour to make it look more realistic in the end.

I then used some sharp scissors to cut a tear in either side of the latex, leaving the lips sealed shut.  

I then added black eye-shadow to the inside of the tear to add depth to the wound. 

I then added dark red, blue and purple eye-shadows to create an effect of bruising around the lips. 

Finally, I added in the fake blood to complete the look. 

The third and final effect that I attempted was a gouged out eye. To begin this effect, I first taped my eye shut with medical tape in a skin colour. 

I then added liquid latex around the edge of the tape to blend it with my skin.

On top of this, I blended some scar wax to create a smooth, skin like surface.

I added powder and foundation/concealer to blend the wax with my skin. I then added black, red, dark blue and dark purple eye-shadow to create a bruising effect on the eye.

I then added fake blood to the wound to complete it. I think that this was successful as and effect, although if I were to do it again I would create more bruising around the wound instead of just having the bloodied wound. 

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