Wednesday 4 November 2015

School Made Production Company Deconstruction

School Made Production Company Deconstruction

For the first part of their ident, the word BLOOD flashes up onto a black background. This is effective because it immediately highlights the genre. Using the colour white on a black background makes the word stand out and again makes the genre of horror evident by the boldness. There is parallel sound which also adds to the mystery of the ident which therefore highlights the film opening which the ident is linked to.

The next shot in their ident, the word ORANGE flashes up below BLOOD with orange splatters directly behind the words. The link between the name and the visual adds to the tension within the ident, as blood is usually associated with red but by adding the twist of making it orange suggests that the film opening may contain twists and things may not be as they seem. The sound in this shot is the paint being splattered onto the screen, which matches the visual exactly.

For the final part of their production company ident, PRODUCTIONS appears letter by letter, in a different font under BLOOD ORANGE. The diegetic sound is a typewriter typing the letters onto the screen, again the sound is an exact match to the visual. The screen then fades to black to end the ident.

I like this ident because of its simplicity. The production company name is on the centre of the screen and is quite small, meaning the majority of the screen is black. The colour theme of the ident is also attractive, again due to the simplicity. The use of white and orange on the black shows contrast and makes it stand out, but at the same time adds a suspicious tone as there is a lot of the frame hidden by blackness. 

The production company ident was made completely on the computer, as none of the elements were filmed. The software used was Final Cut Pro, so the creator added each word of the title separately. They added the fade to black to the end of the ident to complete it as well as adding the sound of the paint splatter and typewriter.

The following video is the full film opening, although the ident is only from 0.07 seconds to 0.14 seconds.

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