Sunday 4 October 2015

Preliminary Task - Editing Evaluation

Preliminary Task - Editing Evaluation

After we had filmed all the footage we began editing. Initially, we imported all of the footage into Final Cut Pro. We then dragged the clips we had filmed into the footage timeline, in order of the correct sequence. 
As a part of the brief, we were required to include a shot reverse shot of a conversation between two people. 

In order to achieve this, we used the blade tool to cut the clips in the correct places so that they flowed correctly and did not sound out of place. This required listening closely to the audio of the clip, and quickly blading the footage in the correct place. We then put the clips in order, to create the shot reverse shot sequence.

Another successful aspect of the editing process was when we incorporated the Eastenders theme tune into the sequence. 

This involved cutting the footage into shorter and shorter clips and synchronising them in time with the beats of the music. We did this successfully and the end result worked well. 

A problem we faced when editing the footage together was that not all of the footage flowed together as well as we would have hoped. This led to several errors in continuity, such as the movement of Dave's tie after he has run up the stairs.

If we were to do this again, we would re-film this part so that instead of having the two separate clips which caused the lack of continuity in the first place, we would film Dave running up the stairs and correcting his tie in one recording, as opposed to how we filmed it. 

Another aspect of the editing that we would have changed if we were to do this again is certain continuity features, such as when Dave is walking through the door to high-five the librarian. 

If we had more time, we would have filmed more footage which would have enabled us to edit the scene so it flowed more smoothly. 

This is the final version of our preliminary task: 

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