Saturday 26 December 2015

Filming Evalutaion- Forest- Day Two

Filming Evalutaion- Forest- Day Two

The next day of filming was the next day- Wednesday 23rd. We had planned for this filming to be the footage at the beginning of the film, the first part of the scene where the girl is running in the woods. This meant that because this filming was essentially going to be shown before the filming we had done the day before, we had to be really careful about continuity errors e.g. ensuring that everyone was wearing the same clothing and had their hair in the same way. We had a couple of issues in that Dave firstly forgot the hearing aid which meant that we couldn't do any close up shots of his ear, and also he forgot his black neck warmer meaning that his face was on show so any front-facing shots of him needed to have his hat pulled down over his face. This again was a continuity error so we will have to try and minimalise the amount of front-facing footage we use of him. 

However the first problem we came to on the day was the fact that Dave decided to cycle to Tia's house, and after oversleeping as well, he was very late in arriving. Tia, Charley and myself pressed on and filmed some establishing shots in the forest and also some shots of Tia running whilst we were waiting. Luckily the weather was far more cheerful and we were able to get some good shots of the sun shining through the trees etc. This weather will also juxtapose the next scene, emphasising how horrible it is in the killer's lair. 

When Dave did arrive we then went back into the forrest and got some other shots of Tia running and Dave in trees or hiding and watching her. As mentioned before, this was quite difficult because of the mask face but we managed to get some over the shoulder shots and some footage of him walking. Because the ground was so muddy, it limited the different angled shots that we could do without getting the camera muddy. We wanted to do a floor level shot of both Tia and Dave's feet walking/running along but we had to hold it and so we aren't too sure how steady the shot will be and weather it'll be usable. When doing a shot of Tia doing her shoe-laces up, we were stuck with a similar dilemma in that we couldn't get a steady shot because we couldn't get the trip-pod at the right angle. 

Looking back on it I'm not sure if we have enough footage but we will be able to see and work with what we've got when we start editing. Also because we haven't recorded the song yet, Tia wasn't able to run to the music/beat which would have been good but hopefully when we've recorded the song, we will be able to match the song beat to the running. 

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