Sunday 13 December 2015

Filming Logistics

Filming Logistics
TDAC will be filming our scenes over the Christmas holidays. We decided that we will need three dates for filming; one to film the chase-scene in the woods, one to film the scene in Sutton Valence castle and a final one to record a song that the girl will be listening to as she's running in the woods. 

As a group, we marked individually the dates which we were available and what times specifically suits us. I then sent round the potential dates on the group chat and we narrowed it down to three; Tuesday 22nd, Tuesday 29th and Wednesday 23rd.

Tuesday 22nd
On Tuesday we are all free all day and so have decided to makes this a day for us to film at the castle. Because we want the castle scene to appear like it's morning-ish time, we have agreed to all arrive early at about 10 o'clock. When I went and took pictures of this castle, I went relatively early and there wasn't anyone there so we are hoping that there again will be no residents or people visiting the castle. (If there are, we will just have to wait until they have left because we cannot get anyone in the footage.) We have also discussed who is bringing what on that day in terms of props and costumes etc. 

Charley- Mattress, sheets (for bedding), wound make up for the cutting of ears, pigs ears (because she has a dog)
Tia- sport outfit, jar of ears

We will do some establishing shot recording and get some extra footage that we can use for mise-en-scene or just to make the footage run more smoothly. We will also have to set up the castle to look like killers lair- this may take some time to make it look really effective. We are going to have a table of tools, a mattress with unmade bedding on it, maybe a dirty chipped mug and some wrappers so it looks like the killer has been living there for a while. We will also be hanging two body bags from a tree or somewhere in the castle with rope to resemble two girls having died and been hanged. We will spend a few hours up there filming and take lots of different angles of the locations and acting so we have lots of footage to chose from when it comes to the editing. As well as this, Charley is going to have to do the fake wounds on our ears/heads to she will have to bring all of her make up as well.

Wednesday 23rd
On Wednesday Tia and myself are only free during the day and not the evening so we are going to get to Tia's house early so we can record in her forests during the morning. We are doing the chase scene in the woods so theoretically it shouldn't take as long as recording the castle scene because there isn't as much needed to be setup. We are going to film Tia jogging in and out of the trees as well as some POV shots from the killer watching and following her. All the audience will see of the killer in this scene is a hand when he reaches out from the tree and grabs her face. Tia will need to be wearing sports gear and someone will need to bring some big over-head earphones. Dave will need to have gloves as well.

Tuesday 29th
On Tuesday we aren't doing any visual filming but instead audio; we are recording a song. Charley has a set up at her house so Charley and Dave will be recording into a microphone a song that we will have written. This will probably take the best part of a day to do because it has to sound like a legitimate track that would be in the charts so getting it right will be tricky. We will hopefully have production behind the track and music playing along but this will all be time-consuming. This is the song that will be played in Tia's earphones and we are recording our own because any songs that is current and in the charts is copyrighted.

If we have underestimated how much we have to do, we are all free on Sunday 3rd so this is our back up date to potentially finish any bits of filming which we have reviewed and think could be improved.

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