Thursday 3 December 2015

Practical Task- Actors

Practical Task- Actors
Casting the right actors in a film is so important. It is vital to have people who look right; they must be the right age, gender and have the correct physical appearances e.g. their height, posture, hair colour etc. Also being able to act is essential in making the film opening as believable as possible to the audience. 

As a group, Dave put forward the idea of casting for actors. After some discussion however, we decided that casting actors outside the group was a bit risky because they wouldn't be fully reliable for filming dates. TDAC is potentially going to need three dates in the Christmas holidays and finding three dates when all our actors are available would probably prove to be difficult. Also, keeping the actors in our group means that we have more flexibility to do what we want i.e. we will be able to do fake wounds on each other without having to get permission from the actors. 

In our storyline, we have one male killer and three youngish female victims. This was ideal because it meant that everyone got to debut in our opening. The three girls will work because myself, Charley and Tia are all girls and the right age; we are also fairly 'normal' looking which will emphasise the innocence of them. 

However for our killer, we didn't envision a 16 year old blonde, baby-faced boy so we are going to have to make some adjustments to Dave's costume. To hide his identity, we are going to mask him (all apart from the eye area) and also he will wear a black beanie to hide his blonde hair (commonly killers have dark hair). We will also try and use angles which will make Dave look taller and less like a teenager, and we won't be using diegetic dialogue so his voice won't be a problem. 

 Dave- needs a mask and a beanie
I (Amy) will have a cut off ear in a quick flashback of the killer's previous victims 
Tia- will have wounds on face and hair tied up 
Charley- will have a cut off ear in one of the shots
Overall, once we have found the appropriate costumes, our actors will be suitable for the plot of our film opening and will be more believable to the audience. 

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