Wednesday 16 December 2015

Practical task - typography

For my practical typography task, i have decided to make my own typography using Photoshop. This was initially a daunting task, however, after playing around with the features of Photoshop for a little bit of time, I learnt that there were some incredibly useful features I could use to make quite stunning typography.

So the way i started, was with a plain black background, and the title "senseless" written in a red font. This was the basis that I would create my font from after "rasterizing" the type, I could move onto the next step.

So the feature I'm using here is the "liquify" feature that Photoshop allows users to manipulate a single layer how they wish by dragging parts of the layer around which is what I did to make the spiky bits on the letters as well as making the letters "contract" to give a slightly warped look.

Once I was happy with how I had manipulated the type, I then added a handful of effects to the lettering which gave the letters a slightly bevelled look which adds depth to the typography.

I then decided to have a go at making my own texturing for the typography. All I did was add a .PNG file of a blood splatter and then placed it over the writing.

To make the whole thing a little neater, I used an eraser tool to remove any of the extras and left the blood splatter on top of the letters but trimmed it so it wouldn't "run" off the letters (below).

However, the blood was a little too bring in my opinion so I decided to add a satin effect to it which darkened the colour and so made the red seem a little more "blood-like".

This is the final product I was left with.

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