Monday 14 December 2015

Typography Practical

After completing my typography deconstruction, I decided that I wanted to keep my typography simple, but at the same time it needed to represent the genre, of our opening, which is psychological horror. 

I opened up Adobe Photoshop and familiarised myself with the interface. I changed the background of my new project to black. I then inserted our title, 'SENSELESS' and tried it with a variety of the available fonts until I found the one I think suited our opening the best. The font is 'SINHALA MN' and I then changed it to bold.

I then copied the initial 'SENSELESS' word and pasted it below so I had a replica of the original word.

Then, I strategically placed the second work behind the first, slightly to the left of it, so both words can still be read but the second one acts as a shadow. I then changed the opacity of the title at behind from 100% to 50% using the slide scale on the right hand side of the screen. I then adjusted both words until I was happy with the shadowed effect.

This is my final and completed typography. Overall, I think that the simplicity of it is really effective for our chosen genre and it could work well as our decided title for our film opening. This being said, it may be argued that it is too simple, but I think that the strong black and white contrast with the added shadow is perfect for our genre.

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