Friday 11 December 2015

Pratical Task - Actors

When looking at who we should have for each character in our film opening, we felt that we were restricted and could therefore only use the people in our group. Although there was the option of casting, I felt that this would overcomplicate the process, as we would have to rely on other people to attend the filming days and follow precise orders, as we want to get the filming done as quickly and efficiently as possible. Also, we decided we wanted to film during three days over the Christmas Holidays, and felt that it would be unfair to rely on other people to attend all three of the necessary days.

Within our group of four, we have myself, Charley, Amy and David.  I decided to look at each one of us and look at which character we would fit the best and why. It was also helpful that our film opening only features four characters, as this meant we would all be a part of the acting team, but the amount of frame time we would get would vary, depending on the role. We have already decided that we wanted a male killer, so this meant that David would need to be this part, but I still wanted to look at what changes needed to be made regarding his appearance.

Within our storyboard, we have one killer, and although he is masked and is not visible to the audience for the majority of the opening, there will be shots in which his figure is seen and so we wanted to ensure that he fit in with our idea of what the killer would look like. In my deconstruction, I discovered that the killer is usually a middle aged, dark haired man, both of which David is not. Due to restricted resources meaning that we don't have any other options, we decided to use costumes to present David in a scarier and more intimidating way to the audience. We are going to do this by creating a mask which covers the lower part of his face, and then using makeup with darken his eyes. We will also put a black beanie on him so that his hair is covered, and may attempt to darken the areas which are visible.

Next, I looked at one of our two victims who are featured during a flashback. Amy fits the character appearance we were going for, as we wanted them to look like a female teenager who is portrayed as 'normal', which would add realism to who the killer is targeting. Within the opening, the areas which Amy would feature in are the short bursts of flashback of the killer torturing his previous victims. There will be shots of Amy before and after the attack to foreshadow what is to come to his latest victim.

Similar to Amy, Charley needed to have normality about her appearance, as we want the audience to fear the fact that the killer is targeting normal teenagers. Within the opening, Charley will feature in flashbacks before and after her death, as we want to emphasise how bad the killer tortured the victims. Her make up will be done to exaggerate the aftermath of her death and add a factor of gore to our opening.

Finally, I had to look at myself and analyse how suited I was to being the main victim in our opening. I looked at my hair, which is significantly different to Amy and Charley's, which meant that our killer didn't have a 'type' and his victims were varied. Within the opening scene, the kidnapping occurs whilst I am jogging in the forest. This means that I will firstly be viewed in running gear with my hair tied up, potentially looking sweaty. When taken back to the castle ruins, there will be shots of me tied up and very bruised, suggesting that the torturing phase has already begun, and the antagonist is about to kill me, which is not seen on camera.

Overall, I think that our actors are well suited to their parts, although we are able to use makeup and costumes to further emphasise the factors which are the most important for each role.

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