Wednesday 16 December 2015

Practical Task - Filming Logistics

As a group, we decided that we wanted to get all of our filming done over the Christmas Holidays, so we begun by making a list of all the dates within the holidays, and then individually looking at which days we were available on. 

From this, we could then see the days which we could all do. We then decided to pick three of these days to work on our project, doing specific things with a checklist for each day of what needs to be completed, these days are Tuesday 22nd, Wednesday 23rd and Tuesday 29th.

We wanted to film at different locations for each of the days, so the 22nd would be at Sutton Valence Castle, filming the majority of our opening, on Wednesday 23rd we will be at my house in the forests filming the initial running sequence and then on the 29th at Charley's house, we are planning on writing, composing and recording a song which will feature during the scenes where I am jogging.

Tuesday 22nd 

The first day which we are going to film on is Tuesday 22nd. This day will be mainly spent at the location near Amy's house, Sutton Valence Castle. We are planning to begin setting up at 10:00am, which means that we need to meet just before this. Early morning filming will not only mean that hopefully there will be no people visiting the castle, but also we wanted our footage to have an 'early morning' feel to it, as our main character would be out on her run in the morning. Also, the natural lighting will be good in the morning, but not have a large effect of glare on the footage.
We managed to compile a finalised list of what each person needs to bring:


  • mattress 
  • bedding
  • wound makeup
  • pigs ears
  • mirror
  • camera
  • jeans and hoodie
  • clapper board


  • hearing aid
  • tripod
  • bruise makeup 
  • skirt and top
  • mug


  • body bags
  • all black outfit
  • lots of rope
  • toolbox
  • table
  • face mask
  • headphones
  • black duct tape


  • sports outfit
  • jar of ears
  • camera
  • headphones
  • black beanie
  • leather gloves
  • vasaline 

At this location, we are also hoping to record extra footage, including establishing shots which can be used for transitions or included to provide a well rounded plot to the audience. Using the castle is a very risky location, because it is obviously weather dependent, but we plan on continuing to film whatever the weather, although this may affect some of our shots. The actual castle is the 'killers lair' and so we need to ensure that the mise-en-scene is perfect and exactly what we are picturing. This needs to be effective and so we will ensure sufficient time is spent creating the perfect lair.

Props for the lair include:

  • mattress and bedding
  • table of knives
  • mug
  • empty wrappers and packets
  • torch
  • pile of old clothes
At the castle, we also want to hang two of the body bags that David created. This is may be one of our biggest struggles as we are not completely sure how we can elevate the body bags and make them look realistic, so this will take up a large amount of our time finding somewhere to hang them and then ensuring they are secure and realistic.
We are planning on spending the whole morning at the castle, so will ensure we are fully equipped with drinks and snacks. Also, as Charley will need do the wound make up for both herself and Amy, we will need to ensure that we get our initial shots before their injuries as soon as possible.

Wednesday 23rd

For our second filming day, we are planning on only spending a few hours filming in the forest. Both myself and Amy are unavailable in the afternoon, so we need to ensure we work efficiently to get all the filming done as quickly as possible, without rushing it. 
In this location, we only need to film a short running sequence followed by the kidnap, which means that we can experiment and be creative with our camera angles and shots. Ideally, we want shots of me jogging on the path, but also some shots which can be used to show the audience that I am being watched, so potentially some point of view shots and over the shoulder shots of the killer. We need to be careful when filming this scene because we don't want to reveal the killer but we need to emphasise that I am being watched and exaggerate the kidnapping without making it look unrealistic.
For this day, not as much equipment is needed, as we only require my running gear, Davids all black costume and then obviously the cameras and tripods.

Tuesday 29th
Although we are not actually filming on the 29th, it is still vital as it is a big part of our film opening. We wanted to be as creative as possible with this project, and because I am listening to music when running and copyright music cannot be used, we decided to write, compose and record a song. Obviously this is a large task because it needs to sound professional, and we are lucky that we have access to full music recording and editing software and also have musically able group members, Charley and David, who can both sing and play a variety of instruments. Amy can also play the piano which will be useful. Before this day, we would have already written the music and the lyrics so that we only need to record and edit the music at Charley's house. Hopefully, this should only take the morning to complete. The song can then be edited in with our final piece so that the audience think that I am listening to this song when running. 

Sunday 3rd
Luckily, we have included a back up day into our plan, just in case our footage cannot be recorded for some reason. Before this day, we will also have re-watched all of our footage meaning we can analyse and discuss whether we are happy with our footage or need to refilm specific shots or sequences.

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