Wednesday 2 December 2015

Practical Task - Locations

There is a train station near where I live that is relatively abandoned, although still in use. It is not very well kept and usually empty, and so I thought this would be a good location to use for the practical task.

There is an alley to reach the train station that is covered in graffiti. This alley is a great location to show someone who is isolated, or in a vulnerable position as they can clearly be shown to be alone. 

This alleyway would also be useful for showing someone being followed and then attacked or kidnapped, as it looks like a rough area that could be dangerous. Furthermore, this location is practical, as it is often empty so there would be no issue of people being in the way when filming. 

The bridge over the train tracks is made of metal and is rusting. It can be seen from the above image that the metal looks tarnished and dilapidated.  

Underneath the bridge it can be seen even more the amount of rust. This location would be good for an urban drama, as this is the kind of location that is often used to show the poverty of working class people and the problems they face. 

The concrete structures surrounding the train station would work well within an Urban Drama, as concrete often represents busy city areas, but the dirt and graffiti shows how it is set in a rough area. 

The areas surrounding the train station includes warehouses and large car parks. This would be good for a horror film, as the film could be shot in order to make it seem as though one of the warehouses is the killer's lair. The location is also isolated as it is in a warehouse estate, so it would be a good place for a victim to be captured.

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