Thursday 18 February 2016

Costumes Practical Task - The Victim

For this task, I wanted to look at different outfit possibilities for what the victim of our opening sequence would be wearing. As she would be captured whilst on a run, she needed to be wearing running or sports gear, in order to make it look believable. At the same time, we needed her to look innocent and vulnerable. 

As I would be playing the victim, I was able to experiment with different outfits in order to see what looked right and presented me the way we had planned for our victim to look. Regarding hair, as mine is shoulder length blonde, we wanted to have it tied up, again adding to the sporty look. A ponytail worked best as plaits made me look too young and having it down didn't look as if I was on a run. When doing the ponytail, we would be able to mess it up slightly, making it look as if I had been running for a while, and also the hairdo can be easily replicated for each filming day. 

I tried four different outfits to decide which one looked best and fit the character of the victim in our opening sequence.

Outfit One - the first outfit I looked at was Nike sport top and Nike jogging bottoms. I thought that this outfit didn't look very sporty, as the bottoms look a bit like pyjama bottoms and I feel like it is lacking some colour, especially if the killer is wearing all black and we want the victim to stand out in the forest setting.

Outfit Two - This outfit is a sports top and black Nike shorts. Again, the outfit is very dark and may not be suitable for our victim. Also, we will be filming in winter and with shorts I will get very cold during filming, so overall this outfit will not be suitable for our victim.

Outfit Three - This outfit consists of a sport top, sport shorts but also a pair of leggings. With the addition of leggings, I will stay reasonably warm during filming. Also, there are a bright coloured pair of shorts, which will contrast with not only the setting but also with the attire of the killer.

Outfit Four - The final outfit I looked at is the warmest option out of all of them. It is a grey jumper and a pair of black leggings. This outfit is quite dark and may not stand out as much as we wanted. Although it will keep me warm, the grey jumper has embroidery of a school name on the front and my name on the back and so I don't think this is suitable as it makes the identity of the victim too obvious, something that we do not particularly want to focus on.

With all the outfits, I will be wearing a pair of Nike black running trainers with pink detailing.

The outfit needs to suitable for both the running scene in the woods but also the filming at the castle where she is tied up and needs to be physically wounded. This being said, we decided that we would use the short sleeved top and between shots ensure that I was wrapped up warm until I was needed on camera.

Overall, I decided that outfit three is best because the pinky red shorts made the victim look innocent, paired with the leggings, which are needed to keep me warm as it  is going to be cold because we are filming in December. The trainers are good as they are running trainers and the top is a training top. The outfit works well together, but I may potentially need to include a jacket depending on the weather - but similarly the short sleeves of the shirt may enable the victim to look vulnerable when tied up at the castle, highlighting wounds and also fear and the cold through goosebumps.

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