Tuesday 9 February 2016

Editing Evaluation- Car Sound Effect

The ending of the film opening leading into the title has to be memorable and leave an impact on the audience. Charley had created quite a stand-out font and the smoke which we then put behind the typography made it less static and added an extra dimension to the 2D typography; because we didn't animate it and had literally just put an image in we thought the whole ending was a bit still. We then decided that we needed to put some sound to it because otherwise it would be silent and we had worked really hard to build up all the sounds throughout the film opening. Tia had previously done a sound practical on GarageBand and originally we had decided not to use it because the first few notes were a bit too staccato for what we wanted, however when we were looking for sounds, we just put the mp3 file in to see what it would sound like and although we were right about the first few notes being too jumpy, the last note is quite piercing and goes on for quite some time- it's also faded out really nicely.
We then cut the first part of the sound clip out to leave just the last note and tried that, however it still wasn't quite right. I then tried extending the suspense music underneath Tia's practical task which made it sound better because the two notes were off key and sounded wrong together which created a more eerie effect. After then watching the whole thing through, I still wasn't fully convinced about the ending; the sound was sort of irrelevant and I wanted a sound in which actually made sense and was to do with the concept of our film.

First of all I looked for frequency sound effects (like a hearing aid trying to find the right frequency) but I couldn't find one which sounded enough like I wanted it to and I also couldn't create one because the hearing aid we had bought didn't make those sound effects (and also Dave lost it) so we couldn't do that. I then came up with the idea of using a sound effect of a car turning on it's engine and driving off because the killer had just put the girl in the boot and this sound effect would let the audience know that the killer has driven off with the girl in his car. It took a while to find a sound effect which the noise fit with the type of car but when I did find a good one on YouTube I downloaded it and put it in. Unfortunately it was a bit too long so I bladed the middle section of it out to shorten the clip and then it worked quite well. I also liked the fact that the smoke now looked a bit like the exhaust from the car so it all tied in well together and gave a much more rounded and definitive ending.

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