Monday 8 February 2016

Editing - Song

In the second part of our film opening the girl is jogging through the forest listening to music. We wanted to get the effect of the music as being from the point of view of the girl, and so originally the music was placed over the top of the footage and played at full volume without distortion, as it would be heard by the girl. However, whilst this seemed like the best option in planning, when the actual action was created, it gave the effect of a music video and not a horror opening. As a result of this, we changed the plan and decided to create the effect of the music as though it is coming through the headphones. 
I completed this part of the editing. 
The first shot of the girl putting her headphones in is shown, and then a second shot of the girl pressing play on her phone can be seen. As she presses play, the music comes in at full volume and undistorted. However, the scene then cuts to the girl running through the forest, and the music changes. I reduced the volume, as well as putting various effects on it to make it sound tinny and as though it was coming from the headphones. I firstly reduced the bass and increased the treble to create a tinny effect. I then added a muffled effect to make the music sound distant and as though it was not the main focus of the scene, which is what had happened when it had been played at full volume and undistorted. 
As a final touch, I added various forest sounds, such as birds chirping and wind. This added depth to the sound and made the location more believable whilst creating more of an atmosphere. 

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