Sunday 7 February 2016

Sound Editing- Sound Effects- Scream


Sound Editing- Sound Effects- Scream
The scream- to make this realistic and dramatic, we wanted a piercing scream as the picture faded to black. We were going to record Tia screaming in the castle but the quality on the camera for the sound wasn't good enough so I looked on YouTube for a scream sound effect and then went through a video which had several sound effects on and then chose a scream that sounded like it came from a relatively young girl. After I put it into Final Cut, I needed to make sure that it came in and ended at the right time so the sound looked like it actually came from the clip and wasn't just layered over it afterwards. After playing it a couple of times, I decided that it didn't sound echoey enough for it to firstly appear like it was in an enclosed castle and secondly to make it seem creepier. Therefore I went onto the sound effects on Final Cut and added a 'large room' effect so it echoed more. Originally we were going to leave it silent to get a deaf POV shot from the killer, but we felt that this wasn't obvious enough or scary and so actually having a scream would have a greater impact, especially because it then fades to black, implying she is killed and this is the last sound we hear from her- it's also a scream that holds quite a lot of pain which shows the traumatic way in which she was murdered. For our film opening, sound is so important because the main theme to the film is deafness and the fact that having a deaf killer subverts common conventions. Therefore we have spent the longest amount of time working on effectively layering up different sounds to create the right ambiance for our film opening.

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