Monday 8 February 2016

Editing - Countdown

To make it clear the plot is flashing back in time, we wanted to include an obvious title clip with a countdown of the hours, minutes and seconds earlier. 
To do this, I added in five title clips and changed the font to match the flicker of the credits earlier on in the scene. I also shortened each of them to be exactly one second long each. I then typed in the text, as can be seen below, increasing by one second each clip. 
Originally, I repeated the stages I used to create the beginning titles in order to make the countdown flicker, however as a group we decided it looked better if the text remained still. 
To make the countdown seem eerie and creepy, helped by the fact that it precedes an ominous and chilling scream, I added in the sound of a clock ticking. On its own, the ticking did not seem creepy or build tension, however I added an effect to create an echo and reverb that made the ticking almost haunting. I used the large room effect, which made each tick echo in the next, as opposed to just ending abruptly. 

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