Sunday 7 February 2016

Editing Evaluation- Flashback

For a practical task, I did an editing practice which was a flashback experiment. To do this effectively so that the audience knows what they're looking at, ideally you need two contrasting scenes. For my experiment I did a girl flashbacking about a car crash she was in which killed her boyfriend (the driver of the car) and I managed to merge two completely separate scenes and make it look like the girl was remembering this traumatic experience.
This worked well because the 'present' scene was a still scene of the girl just looking dramatically at the camera, whereas the 'past' scene  was from her POV in the passenger seat of a car on the motorway. This was good because it didn't create any confusion as to what was happening because the 'present' scene wasn't moving, she was just recalling what happened.

I managed to transfer some of the skills I used in the experiment to this flashback of the killer remembering previous deaths leading up to the one he was about to commit. However this one was more difficult because the two contrasting scenes were in the same location which could have been quite confusing. Therefore the first thing I did was find an effect which would create a visual differentiation when initially comparing the two scenes. 'Burnt Sunrise' gave the image an old, tea-stained look, aging the clip and not making the image as bright or vivid as the present time one as well. The flashback images also needed to be quicker than the present time to show that these are just quick brief thoughts going in and out of his mind so blading it at the right moments was also important.
Additionally, I added in flashing transitions in between each change between present and past time to further emphasise the flashback and on these flashes of white light I put 'boom' sound effects, almost like a cannon, to again add to the flashback and memory side of the part of the scene. It's also important to keep in mind that these are memories of the killer and so overlapping the sounds for both present and past brings and groups them together which shows a connection between the two events.

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