Sunday 7 February 2016

Day 4- Recording- Evaluation

After school on Wednesday the 6th of January, myself, Tia, Charley and Dave all went back to Charley's house to re-record the song that we had started recording. Prior to this date, Charley and Dave had both been working on practising their individual parts to the song as well as Dave practising and going over his solo on the guitar so that they were both well prepped for the evening and we could get the lyrics and melody down as quickly as possible.

When we arrived we set up the recording room again and Dave played the guitar track into the mic; it took a couple of takes but it was a big improvement on the last day. Charley then sang her part of the song; again we used the duvet behind the mic so that the sound was a better quality. Trying to find the right key proved to be quite difficult because we had all been singing it in different keys so it did get quite confusing however once Charley found the key that suited her voice well she managed to sing her part really well. Then it was Dave's turn to sing his parts and also the harmonies. To begin with he just sang the harmonies from memory listening to the backing track but once we put both Charley's and Dave's vocals together the harmonies weren't quite smooth enough and so Dave re-sang his part but this time we played Charley's part through his headphones so he could harmonise straight from hearing her part. This worked a lot better, even though some of the harmonies were still slightly off (but this was fixed just by turning Dave's harmonies down a little bit)

After the guitar and vocals were down, we were then able to add in other instruments like an electric guitar, strings, drums etc. which turned the ballad into a more upbeat song, ideal for running to. We were really pleased with the end result:

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