Monday 8 February 2016

Filming evaluation - Day 1

For the first day of filming, we filmed the flashback scenes. This involved the four of us all taking part in the sequence. The killer was portrayed by myself dressed in all black and Tia, Amy and Charley all played the roles of victims.

Due to issues revolving around transport availability, I arrived later than agreed. However, the set hadn't yet been fully set up and so there was still time to set up the props I had brought with me without eating into our filming time.

The weather for the day started off perfectly overcast which is rarely a good thing. However, we took advantage of this and filmed the main shots that required dry weather before the rain started to come down. Unfortunately, the weather took a turn for the worse as we started to do Charley's make up and without and good shelter from the rain available, we had to make do with an umbrella and some questionable makeup skills from Tia and Amy which worked surprisingly well given the circumstances.

besides the weather, there weren't any other major issues with the first day of filming as we had even planned for large amounts of rubbish to be left by ourselves and so tidied the set, filling two bin bags of discarded ears, tins of dodgy food and body bags.

All in all, the first day of filming was a relative success.

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