Tuesday 16 February 2016

Practical Task- Story Board

Practical Task- Storyboard
Creating a storyboard allows the whole group to be able to visualise the opening scene so when it comes down to filming, everyone is on the same page to how the narrative goes. Unlike our first storyboard, we rethought the sequencing of the opening and decided to flip the two opposing halves of the opening round, starting with the castle scene and then doing a jump back to the forest scene; the group felt that this worked better and visually looked more impressive as well. 

Using a variety of shots will enable us to be more creative with our editing and will create a more original opening. Using a storyboard too will also ensure that all group members are on the same page regarding the plot, however because most of us did one, we can also share ideas about different camera shots and sequencing to get a more we

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