Monday 8 February 2016

Editing - Titles

We had a clear idea of what we wanted for the titles from the outset. We wanted them to appear and then flicker and look distorted before returning to their normal place. 
For this piece of editing, I added in a title clip and changed the font and text to what we wanted. The first font I picked is a smooth, modern, sans serif font. I then wanted this to flash into a rougher font before flickering back. 
To achieve the flicker, I opened the animation panel and adjusted the opacity at various points during the title clip. To do this, I selected the range tool and highlight an area before changing the opacity of the text with the opacity nodes. 
To get the font to change, I used the blade tool to cut the clip at two points to create three separate font clips. I then changed the font of the central clip and then cut that clip into three more separate clips. I then selected each of the three shorter clips in the different font and changed their position in the frame so as to create the effect of the text moving about the page. 
After this, music was added in correlation to the flicker so as to emphasise the effects it creates and the tension it builds.

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