Monday 8 February 2016

Storyboard Draft - Practical Task

As our initial idea has been adapted and changed into our final idea, I decided to do another storyboard, outlining the chain of events that will occur in our final opening scene. Although what is included is near enough the same, the order has been significantly changed, and so the storyboard below highlights the changes.

Shot 1 - shot of killer

Shot 2 - close up of victim

Shot 3 - close up of knife blade

Shot 4 - close up of hands being tied up 

Shot 5 - previous victim tied up

Shot 6 - victim screaming before death

Shot 7 - victim running through forest

Shot 8 - victim getting kidnapped

Shot 9 - victim in the boot of the car

Overall, we decided to change how our opening would be set out, with the castle scene first and then the kidnapping scene, because when it was the other way round, it didn't flow. There wasn't a very large build up in the running scene, but when the narrative flipped to the castle scene, the tension was already very high, so there was a sudden change in tone and suspense. We wanted this to change and so I suggested to put the castle scene first, setting the tone of the film and then having a '4 hours earlier' section, so the running scene would be foreshadowing the murder which the audience knows is going to happen. This should work much more effectively at setting the tone, but similarly the huge change in narrative and suspense won't have a great impact because the narrative is looking back on events which have already happened.

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