Sunday 7 February 2016

Editing Evaluation- Sound Effects

As mentioned before, sound was a main focus in making this film opening effective. Therefore adding even small sound effects that maybe aren't even that noticeable or too significant actually give a lot to making the opening more realistic. When the girl is running up to the camera (before she is captured) I found a heavy breathing or panting sound effect that added to the scene because it shows her tiredness and also then makes it make sense when she stops to regain her breath. We were going to put in a fast-beating heart-beat but we decided that a heavy breathing would be less cliché and more realistic as well. I then bladed the heavy breathing as soon as the killer puts his hand over her mouth because this symbolises the fact that he's almost taken away her breath or life by this point.

Another sound effect that I thought needed to be put in for it to make sense was a car boot slam. We did have the original sound on the camera of the car boot but we didn't think it sounded crisp enough or enough like a boot slam because this was the last sound of the sequence and we wanted the slam to be quite prominent so I found a free sound effect from YouTube and made sure that it went in at the right time. Having this rather than just a silent slam creates better continuity and also almost is a bit of a 'jump' moment which the horror genre normally contains.

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