Monday 8 February 2016

Filming Evaluation - Day 2

The second day of filming wasn't exactly a great start for myself. Again, due to issues regarding transport to the set, I had to make my way by bike with my characters outfit in my bag. To make matters worse, I had a setback 20 minutes after leaving home with the bike needing repairs and so I was again late to filming.

Tia, Amy and Charley had taken the initiative and went ahead with filming the parts that I weren't required for in the woods, allowing me more time to get to the set and so making the most of the limited daylight hours we had available in the middle of December.

The shots that the girls had filmed whilst I was making my way to the set went great and most of them have been put to use in our first draft, along with the ones that involved the killer which we filmed after midday once I had arrived.

The second day of filming didn't quite go as well as one would have hoped. However, the day was still a success as we had managed to record just as much footage as the first day with plenty of daylight hours left.

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