Tuesday 9 February 2016

Evaluation - Ambient sound

Within our piece, we see a girl running through woodland. As the scene progresses, the shots change from being focused on her, to another character. The killer. Because we wanted to make the scene seem more like it were heard through the ears of the killer or a potential bystander (plot twist, there could be a witness). To create this effect, we have had to implement background noises to make add more depth to the audio of the scene.

Fortunately, we can be a little more creative in the way that we can actually create the ambient noises as I have an odd talent of being able to create animal noises with my mouth and so I am going to record myself making various animal noises (predominantly birds) to build a sense of wildlife living in the forest, such as a crows' caw.

The other noise we need to go about creating is an effective scream. Unfortunately, we are unhappy with the current scream we have at the ending of our piece which we found on the internet, and so are going to record our own as that way, we have full choice over how the scream will sound. In addition, as far as my vocal talents reach with odd noises, I cannot quite produce a scream that sounds like it belongs to a teenage girl. As a result, we will have to record either Tia, Charley or Amy screaming and then add the sound into Final Cut, or we will have to see if anyone else that we know of, is able to scream like a frightened murder victim.

In regards to the practicality of fitting the recording of these sounds into our now limited time frame, we will most definitely be able to pull this off as the recordings will be a second or two long and so recording the right noises shouldn't take longer than 10 minutes if that.

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