Thursday 4 February 2016

Filming Evaluation - Day Two - The Forest

On Wednesday 23rd December we arranged to meet at Tia's house at 10:30. We planned to meet to film the shots of Tia running in the forest listening to music. We planned to film in the forest beside Tia's house. The weather was good, but the ground was very muddy from the day before, so Tia struggled to run through the mud without sliding or looking like she was running weirdly. We did however manage to get some footage that was usable of Tia running, however they were mostly the same shot and were not particularly creative.
We also had a problem with what we could film as David did not arrive until around 12:30 due to his ill planning so we were unable to film any shots that included the killer. 
When David eventually arrived, we were able to get some decent shots of him dressed as the killer. We filmed what we thought was a wide range of shots, however when we looked over the footage when we returned to Tia's house we saw that we did not actually have a lot of usable footage. As a result, we had to plan for Tia to film some more shots at a later date. 
We managed to get several establishing shots of the forest, such as shots of the sky and trees, however these clips were only about 15 seconds long each, and so there isn't a lot we can do with them. There is also not enough different shots to be able to use them to flesh out the footage of Tia running, so we will need to film some more shots of both Tia running and the mise-en-scene of the forest in order to produce enough footage to create a realistic film opening without having to repeat shots.
We were careful of most continuity errors that may have occurred within filming these shots as the footage in the forest is set right before the castle scene so everything needed to be the same, but not dirty and dishevelled. We even made sure that Tia had her nails painted neatly and in the same pattern as they had been for the castle scenes. 

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